Mission Programs of Scobey Lutheran
PO Box 927 202 Timmons Scobey, Montana (406) 487-2652
Scobey Lutheran is a member of the LCMC Church family. It is their policy to allow the churches to select where they want their benevolence to go. Scobey Lutheran gives to our local food bank, the ministerial association in our community, the Montana Rescue Mission, the Lutheran Center in Billings, the LCMC Association, and the Institute of Theology. We have continued to support Lutheran World Relief, Friends of Madagascar Mission and Bradn Buerkle, a missionary in Egypt. You can read more about the missions we support below.
Friends of Madagascar Mission Madagascar is one of the ten poorest nations in the world, suffers from natural disasters and political instability. The people of this nation live in extreme poverty. The Friends of Madagascar Mission (FOMM) have the resources to help the Malagasy Lutheran Church provide help for the people with food, medical care and a message of HOPE.
The FOMM has recruited 25 Malagasy evangelists in 2013. They work to get the Gospel to the people by teaching, preaching and witnessing. There is a prison ministry and FOMM has provided food for the people. They are currently raising funds to purchase a satellite for communication. Rev. David Lerseth is president of this mission. Rev. Lerseth was an intern at Scobey Lutheran in the late 60's. The board of directors includes Lutheran pastors and laypersons. If you wish to contribute to their mission you may find them at www.MadagascarMission.org. Their address is Friends of Madagascar Mission (FOMM) P O Box 46381 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 In the fall of 2019 Pastor Paul and a few of our members went to Madagascar with Dave Lerseth. They created a video to share their experience. Watch Their Video Here |
Local Food BankThrough the generosity of local people and a food drive sponsored by Scobey School, the food bank is generally well stocked. It is available to anyone in the community who has a need.
If you wish to donate items or money to the food bank, or if you have need of items or you know of someone who does, please contact Bev Lund at (406) 487-2898. World HungerScobey Lutheran Church sends money yearly to Lutheran World Relief specifically for World Hunger. This money comes from donations collected at the Lenten Soup and Bread meals and the Sunday morning Coffee Fellowship, as well as specific designated money from members of our congregation. Also, a yearly designated amount is budgeted under our Benevolence plan. You can see how this money is helping people around the world by visiting lwr.org/Daisy.
Lutheran World ReliefScobey Lutheran Church has contributed to Lutheran World Relief for decades. The ladies of our "Love Room" have made hundreds of quilts each winter that are shipped wherever they are needed. In the past they have also put school kits together for use in other countries. Currently LWR is using their resources to help the unaccompanied children arriving at the southern borders of the United States. They are also sending people and funds to help with the ebola outbreak in West Africa and sending quilts to Gaza to give comfort and act as bedding for those affected by the bombings.